Jul 30 , 2022

Project Management in Architecture and Urban Planning

Traditionally, the role of architects was almost exclusively linked to the design and creative aspects of a construction project.  

Reading time: 5 minutes.

Nowadays, architectural firms offer a more comprehensive and integral service, dedicating special effort and attention not only to the more traditional architectural aspects but also to delivery, cost control, and constructive quality throughout the entire lifecycle of a project. 

This pursuit of complete and lasting client satisfaction is one of the most important factors for a modern architectural studio, especially when aiming to achieve a final project that is complete, robust, and coordinated. This translates into greater economic compensation and higher client satisfaction. 

For this reason, project management has become a vital area for the coordination and efficient execution of increasingly large and complex projects. Several years ago, at Gómez Platero Arquitectura & Urbanismo, we incorporated a Project Management Office (PMO) within our corporate structure, understanding that the care and optimization of the entire management process are key to ensuring that projects meet their objectives on time and generate the best possible results. 

In addition to contributing to and promoting good organization, access to information, and the best possible outcome for each project, the PMO also supports the strategic growth and expansion plan of the studio, aiming to maximize the use of available resources with coordinated planning and a strategic vision for comprehensive development. 

Each project that enters the studio begins its journey through different specialized internal areas. Within this journey, the PMO performs certain functions depending on the phase of the project: Throughout these different stages, the work of the PMO translates into benefits for both the client and the studio, such as: 

  • Quality Control: Through continuous monitoring and coordination with other areas, the PMO ensures the maintenance of the scope, time, and cost requirements agreed upon with the client. 
  • Access to Information: The PMO centralizes all the documentation generated within a project, allowing easy access to information for both the studio and the client. 
  • Reference Team: By assigning a Project Manager (PM) to each project, they act as a reference, ensuring communication and the flow of information between the different areas and phases. 
  • Complete and Coordinated Completion: During the project closure, the PMO ensures that all deliverables have been completed and the project scope has been met, maintaining communication with the client to ensure their satisfaction and the correct functioning of the work, even after its occupation. 

Viviana Coronel, María Risso, Lucía Tarigo, Fabiana Montes de Oca,

Gastón Molinelli.

"In addition to supporting operations and enhancing access to information for each project, the PMO also manages the studio's strategic plan, assisting in defining the main objectives for the year and the plans that, based on them, are defined for each area of the studio." 

María Risso – PMO manager. Gómez Platero Architecture & Urbanism