Who We Are: the Talent Management team

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The main role of the Talent Management area is to ensure that the company has an adequate number of competent and committed individuals, which are crucial for achieving the strategic objectives set by the organization. In this article, we share our perspective on the Talent Management area at the Studio, its integration with other areas, and its pivotal role in shaping a team with a distinctive identity in a work environment known for its capacity to maximize talents.
From an organizational perspective, the Talent Management area of Gómez Platero is structured around three key roles: a manager, an analyst, and an assistant. This team has been fundamental in the company’s growth, expanding to more than 200 professionals in the last three years.
The approach of the Talent Management area goes beyond mere recruitment, striving to attract and select the best talents. It’s crucial that each new team member possesses the “GP gene,” vital for embodying the organization’s values and maximizing opportunities for professional and personal growth.
The Talent Management team plays an essential role in the professional development of employees. The department works closely with team leaders, utilizing tools such as coaching and continuous feedback, to efficiently manage human groups. This collaboration is key to forming high-performing multidisciplinary teams, focused on promoting synergy between quality and customer satisfaction, which drives our operational excellence. All this is done while always keeping GP’s ultimate goal in mind: to keep its customers delighted.
The main areas of focus are the recruitment of suitable candidates and the continuous loyalty and training of the members of the GP Team, including its leaders. This comprehensive approach to talent management covers the entire employment lifecycle, from attraction and selection to induction, training, and career development, enabling each individual to reach their full potential.
Furthermore, the Talent Management team continuously monitors compensation and remuneration systems. This involves conducting detailed analyses of salary bands, observing market trends, measuring competitiveness and internal equity, among other factors that influence the work climate and facilitate decision-making by leaders of different teams and the Studio as a whole.
To establish an effectively managed talent team in any organization, it is crucial that it is recognized and valued as a strategic business partner. This implies a deep understanding of all stages, areas, and dimensions of the organization.
In this context, the Talent Management area of the Studio establishes a strategic alliance with the board of directors, providing key indicators that are crucial for macro-level decision-making. These indicators not only inform but also guide the organization’s strategies and policies in various areas.
- Remuneration: This indicator includes analyses of market competitiveness in salaries, internal compensation structures, and the correlation between remuneration and performance. It helps the board of directors determine if salary packages are competitive and aligned with organizational goals, directly impacting the attraction and retention of talent.
- Talent Attraction and Loyalty Policies: Analyzes retention rates, the effectiveness of onboarding programs, and the effectiveness of engagement strategies. These indicators allow management to understand how current policies affect the attraction of new talents and the loyalty of current employees, and how they can be improved.
- Market Indicators Regarding Policies for Being Attractive as an Employer Brand: This encompasses the company’s perception in the job market, comparisons with competitors, and trends in employment practices. These data are crucial for positioning the Studio as an employer of choice and adapting employer brand strategies to market expectations.
Each indicator provides key data for strategic decisions, including adjustments in salary scales to increase competitiveness and changes in talent attraction and loyalty policies, thereby improving staff morale and productivity and reducing turnover. These indicators are essential for the board of directors to make informed decisions, optimizing talent management and aligning it with the organization’s overall goals and strategies.
Driven by the management, the area positions itself as an essential reference for leaders and the Team as a whole, as its work results in the perception of the company as an employer brand and the strategic definitions in communication that align practices with the expectations of current and potential talents.
“To maintain this positioning, it is crucial to be up-to-date, have technical knowledge, be capable of innovating, and convey that information to the management in order to establish a direction, a strategy, and an action plan according to the needs of the sector and the company in particular,” says Analía Dibot, a Graduate in Psychology and Talent Management Analyst at the Studio.
Strengthening Leaders
One of the main functions of Talent Management management is to manage the relationship with the CEO and managers. The role of each team leader is key, as they impact both personally and technically on each of the collaborators and are essential in their development. Therefore, the area becomes a vital strategic support for these leaders, acting as an intermediary between the structure and organization at the managerial and strategic level, and the collaborators at the base.
To achieve this, fundamental tools such as performance evaluations, leaders’ feedback to their teams, and work climate surveys are used. From these instruments, objectives are established that give rise to a general action plan and a specific development plan for the teams. The assignment of challenging challenges and timely training are essential for the development of a leader. In this sense, the Studio supports and promotes training in areas such as languages, artificial intelligence, public speaking, and presentations, through advisors such as Daniel Ríos and Xn, as well as in the incorporation and management of new technological tools key to the advances of the sector.
Experience and lessons learned are also valuable resources. An example of this is the CLAP, a space where each area shares its knowledge through presentations, talks, or workshops. Another example is the Conversations, an initiative that leverages the knowledge and experience of the Studio and transforms it into consultation material for the commercial and marketing areas.
Cultivating Excellence
Currently, more than 200 collaborators and advisors are part of Gomez Platero and make up the GP Team, each contributing a unique value. Franco Paladino, Talent Management Assistant, highlights: “In one year, 20 new collaborators joined, and the growth continues. The challenge is to ensure that everyone on the #GP Team trusts that their development, health, and well-being are fundamental, generating a feeling of pride in belonging to this great Team.”
In 2023, the satisfaction indicator revealed that 82% of collaborators consider Gómez Platero an excellent place to work. Additionally, this year, the Studio renewed its Great Place To Work certification, which recognizes companies that create an exceptional experience for all their employees and have a great work culture.
Cecilia Igorra, Postgraduate Coach in Human Resources Management and Manager of the area, affirms: “The Studio is not only a reference in architecture but also in the work ecosystem. Gómez Platero is perceived as an exceptional workplace, with a team of committed professionals who enjoy their work and constantly seek ways to delight customers by giving what we call “the extra mile” in any service provided. Talent Management is responsible for maintaining this climate that favors the development of talent and building the GP Culture every day.”
The Talent Management area of Gómez Platero operates under a “open doors” regime, where active listening is an essential component of daily work. From induction to performance evaluations, the team ensures that each collaborator has the necessary tools to develop their capabilities and overcome any challenge.
During the onboarding phase, it is ensured that each new employee, regardless of their area, understands the corporate culture of the Studio. The integration of technology in management systems, through tools such as the work climate survey, performance evaluation, and collaboration with external advisors, are fundamental in this process as they act as strategic allies, complementing the constant internal monitoring carried out by the Talent Management team.
The GP Gene
In 2014, as a result of a “GP Summit” that brought together the entire team, the fundamental values that the Studio aspired to incorporate and promote were defined. These values were established as an essential guide for the Talent Management department.
Within this set of values, there are eight that are transversal, although some acquire greater relevance in certain contexts. Given the Studio’s guiding principle of “delighting customers,” the values of customer orientation and continuous improvement are particularly highlighted. In performance evaluations, five of these values are chosen to measure the level of competence and verify the alignment of employees with these values.
Gómez Platero is recognized in the sector for being an environment conducive to the development of opportunities and interdisciplinarity, which is extremely enriching both personally and professionally. Each person who joins the team assumes three essential responsibilities: first, to perform the specific role for which they were hired; second, to contribute to the transformation of our work, capitalizing on each contribution and previous experience; and third, to maintain a positive attitude that promotes daily enjoyment of work and spreads enthusiasm to the rest of the team.
Considering the Studio’s international experience and its future projection, the emphasis is placed on expansion, which demands individuals with vision and ambition, characterized by their restlessness, empathy, and collaborative spirit. People willing to contribute with the unique essence of the organization, capable of transforming work and giving “the extra mile,” all attributes that define the “GP Gene.”
Looking foward, the Talent Management area of Gómez Platero focuses on continuing to be a fundamental pillar in the evolution and success of the Studio. The goal is to maintain the attraction, development, and loyalty of exceptional talents who share the values of the organization and provide added value in customer service. The integration of advanced technologies and innovative work methodologies will continue to be a priority, allowing not only to stay at the forefront of the industry but also to be a reference in talent management practices. The Talent Management area is committed to cultivating an environment where each member of the #GP Team can develop their skills to the fullest and contribute to the Studio’s legacy, to make Earth the best place to live.