Concept & Schematic Design
Diego Velazco
In close proximity to the city of Piriápolis lies Agreste, a housing development that promotes natural life in the community, appreciating the value of the geography of the sierras, and preserving its environmental and expressive qualities. Agreste is a territory of shared encounter where the host is nature itself, a natural setting to be enjoyed and amplified by the vivid experience of a site of extraordinary features. Agreste exists between the lagoon and the sea, towards “making nature a home”.

The project comprises a residential masterplan located on the Cerro de las Espinas, Maldonado, accessible via National Route 10, after driving through Camino de los Arrayanes and subsequently Av. Uruguay, where the main access is located.
The high landscape value and natural qualities of the surroundings generate a succession of visuals available from the site, in a quasi-cinematic sequence. The topography allows the viewer to take in the surrounding territory and gives value to the three landscapes that can be seen from a height: the hill, the sea, and the lagoon.
A series of regulations are defined that determine a suggested area of action within each plot, where it would be advisable to locate the houses to be built. This results in occupation areas of approximately 750 m² plus a parking area, leaving untouched the rest of the plot, whose dimensions will vary depending on each specific situation. The definition of these areas directly responds to the desire to preserve the essence of the place, taking into account the presence of valuable plant species, as well as the perspectives from various points of the altimetry.

An effort is made to keep the central area between the blocks clear, aiming to safeguard its natural qualities, and enabling the construction of shared services, thanks to its privileged location and geometry. “Green reserve” areas will serve as meeting places among nature. Likewise, the free spaces between the delimited action areas allow for traversing the territory, preserving the connection with the surroundings. In this context, the respectful quality of design, the discreet and precise execution, and the careful attention to detail are the hallmark of the proposal, which is also explored in the development of the brand’s visual identity, an endeavor also undertaken by the studio.
Agreste is consistent with the guidelines it establishes towards respecting its setting. Through a rigorous analysis deeply rooted in the vegetation and landscape present in each plot, these guidelines allow “making nature a home” effectively define the character of the intervention. The project enables a perfect alignment with the convictions of the future residents in terms of the essential preservation of the natural habitat and the defense of its environmental qualities, subordinating human action to the multisensory qualities of the environment.