Hospitality, Uruguay
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The project is defined as a system of hospitality centers that seek to connect the user with an experience of extraordinary natural qualities, free from the hustle and bustle of the city, where the landscape, the climate and the atmosphere of each specific setting acquire center stage.

Each shelter adapts and reacts to each setting and the landscape qualities of each locality. We have so far developed six different modalities, applied to a variety of ecosystems, to be scattered around different points around the globe.

The global demand for “off-the-grid” experiences related to wellness tourism, focused on maintaining and improving the overall health of the visitor by means of alternative techniques revolving around a connection with nature and the environment, has experienced a quick growth in the region in recent years.

“Escapes” is the latest incursion by Gómez Platero Architecture & Urbanism in the design and conceptualization of shelters in this design style, located in the secluded, natural landscapes, at a safe distance from the major city centers.