High-performance center
Completed, 2021
6 ha.
Santiago Chaer
The project consists of the design of the academy of Montevideo City Torque (MCT), a City Football Group team. It involves the creation of a high performance training center and five football fields (four natural grass and one synthetic) on a six-hectare site.

In the initial stage, a masterplan was drawn up in which the land was evaluated to determine the best location for the construction of the training center and seven fields, two of which are projected for a second phase of the project. The main concept underlying the masterplan proposes dividing the lot into two sectors, for the first division fields and for the training division fields. In the middle are the service areas catering to athletes and visitors, the entrance to the site, the parking lot and the training center.
Functional and compact, the construction contains support services for the sports activities, including locker rooms, bathrooms for the football players and a gym, as well as complementary and support services such as offices, a dining hall, a doctor’s office and a conference room. The 70m long by 16.5m wide construction is built on a single level. It includes a central corridor connecting the front and back areas, along with a 190 m² intermediate open-air patio with a barbecue. In addition, a 210 m² facilities building provides a storage area and housing for the security guards and the groundskeeper. The mixed composition development, whose façade is a metallic structure covered with a high resistance material, also has an entrance gate booth and a parking area.

The incorporation of cutting-edge technology and amenities, for both athletes and coaches, is one of the main strengths of the project. This is also true for the football fields, which meet the most demanding international standards, as well as the City Football Group’s internal quality requirements. Two of the fields are for training the lower divisions, two are for the first division team, and the last one, FIFA certified and with synthetic grass, is for official matches of the lower divisions. We received advice on the care and technical requirements of the pitches from Salvador Invernizzi, an engineer who is the country’s leading expert on the subject.